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At-Home Beauty Device Market Analysis

At-Home Beauty Device Market
This report analyzes the global at-home beauty device market. It provides in-depth
analysis of key markets such as the United States, China, Japan, and South Korea. It
also focuses on the competitive landscape permanent hair removal. It provides insights on the main
technologies and skin care concerns. Further, it covers the competitive landscape
for the key market players.

Beauty Devices Market Bright Future Trends 2022-2028, Drivers,
Microderm Classic
The PMD Beauty Personal Microderm Classic is a revolutionary at-home
microdermabrasion device that gives your skin the same radiant and fresh look as a
professional microdermabrasion treatment Beautyfoomall. This unique device combines Patented
Spinning Disc technology with precisely calibrated vacuum suction to provide you
with a smooth, even finish.
The Microderm Classic is a hand-held beauty device that uses patented spinning
disc technology and vacuum suction to gently exfoliate your skin. Its aluminum
oxide crystal discs work to remove dead skin cells, leaving your complexion smooth
and bright. It also improves your skin’s texture and tone.
The Microderm Classic is made for all skin types and offers a lifetime warranty. The
patented spinning discs contain aluminum oxide crystals that exfoliate dead skin
cells while stimulating the growth of new ones. It also features a perfectly calibrated
vacuum suction that increases circulation and triggers the skin’s natural healing
process. This beauty device also boosts collagen and elastin levels.

15 skincare devices worth investing in - Her World Singapore
Nuface Trinity microcurrent device
The NuFACE Trinity microcurrent device is a good option for people who want a
microcurrent treatment for facial skin. The device is easy to use, and comes with a
user manual that is simple to follow. This manual includes helpful diagrams of each
routine, as well as warnings and contraindications. For example, it states that this
product should not be used if you are pregnant or have recently had Botox or fillers.
The NuFACE Trinity microcurrent device works by passing 400 micro amps of current
through the skin. This current is similar to that produced by the human body, and
helps the cells build more collagen and elastin. The device’s microcurrent output
also helps the skin absorb skincare products better.